
1)How can I rank duplicated items with unique rank based on its sum value of another cell in a single formula string.
How can I rank all rows under Desired Rank of Patrick as 1 as his total value is 55 and Amy as 2 as her total value is 50 and John as 3 as his total value is 30 ..by using a single formula in excel.

I do not need Patrick value as 1 and Amy value as 4 as in tie ranking but only sequentially.

Also Pls let me know how to ascend and descent the rank order if possible.
Name Value Desired Rank
Amy 20 2
Amy 15 2
Amy 15 2
John 10 3
John 20 3
Patrick 30 1
Patrick 25 1

2)Also if there are more than one criteria used , How do I rank it sequentially based on the volume sold? for eg. If Amy sold most number of Oranges rank her as 1 and rank next person who sold second highest product and so on based on value sold. Any help is greatly appreciated...
Name Product Sales Desired Rank
Amy Apples 20 5
Amy Oranges 50 1
Amy Oranges 30 1
John Apples 10 2
John Apples 20 2
Patrick Grapes 30 4
Patrick Apples 25 3

Link to a similar question raised but cannot fully resolve my problem..