I've got spreadsheets that are new every three months. Two columns are based on hours and minutes that the vehicles run in a day. It comes out of a proprietary software that prints out for instance, 158h13m, in a general format. I need to convert these columns to digital for use in another spreadsheet. Right now I'm going through cell by cell, using the formula =158+13/60, changing to a number format. If there is a way to copy this formula I don't know it. But I need to do this with two entire columns on about 30 different sheets. I don't know VBA. Is there an easier way to do this than what I'm doing now? I appreciate your help or guidance on this.

Col A Formula Col B
149h30 =149+30/60 149.50
80h25 =80+25/60 80.42
109h15 =109+15/60 109.25
8h20 =8+20/60 8.33
23h20 =23+20/60 23.33