Hello all!

Thank you for taking the time to read my problem! I did post this before, however, I have since ran into some issues using the formula that the answers used when it came to carrying the formula down (so thank you very much to those who previously replied- I really appreciate your time).

I have a project I'm working on, but it's really quite big! This section is a small part of it.

What I need to do is to move the data which is in the columns (A-F) into the rows (which I have highlighted in orange). As you'll see, in my example I have shown which data needs to go where.

If anyone can solve this for me and also please explain how it is done, that would be amazing- because I need to record a Macro (as I have 60 of these spreadsheets to do).

(Furthermore, I have a couple of other little bits & bobs on various other parts of the project that I could do with some help with. I am more than happy to pay anyone for their time with this- so if you know anywhere where I can get this service- or anyone who may be interested- please let me know!!)

