Dear All,

I want to know whether it is possible to make a result static once formula has retrieved using a formula

Ex: I've a sheet where I keep on enter the values everyday & want to retrieve these values based on date. I used below formula to retrieve the data from one sheet to another

=IF(B$4='Rej Rep'!$E$3,VLOOKUP($A5,'Rej Rep'!$B$8:$C$30,2,0),0)

Rej Rep is Sheet1; B$4 has date 01/09/2015; 'Rej Rep'!$E$3 has date 01/09/2015, then it retrieves the value using VLOOKUP formula else it will be zero

So if I use if/nested-if it will make value zero in case date of 2 sheets doesnt match.

Please let me know a way to do this with only formulas.