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Excel 2007 : Formula copy with static value in it

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Algarve, Portugal

    Formula copy with static value in it


    I am trying to get the following solved in Excel 2007:

    I have a list with changing values (sheet Taxes) in cell G10 to G200 and two static values in the master value sheet within same book (sheet Values) located in C9 and D9. I want to output the result of the formula to be in cell J10.
    I add the formula in cell J10 like G10*C9-D9 (but using the C9 and D9 from the sheet 'Values') but when I copy the forumula down to J11, it fetches the static values (which are in C9 and D9 in the other sheet) in the following line C10 and D10.

    Want to have the C9 and D9 always static and to have the form just copy the G10 to G200 down but not the static calculation values.

    How to do so?

    ---RESOLVED, switching to static cell through F4 -------

    Last edited by ebmaurer; 12-23-2008 at 11:03 PM. Reason: Resolved

  2. #2
    Forum Expert JBeaucaire's Avatar
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    If you type =A1 in a cell as a formula, and then copy that down, it adjusts downward to =A2, then =A3, etc. That's because A1 is a relative reference. To make the reference absolute, but a $ symbol in front of the part of the reference you want "locked".

    $A$1 means the cell A1 is always referenced, no matter where you copy the formula to.

    $A1 means the column is locked, but the number (row) can change as you copy down.

    A$1 means the row is locked, but the column can change as you copy to the right.
    Microsoft MVP 2010 - Excel
    Visit: Jerry Beaucaire's Excel Files & Macros

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