Quote Originally Posted by FlameRetired View Post
An after thought. Change the formula above to "standardize" the term in A1 like this
Formula: copy to clipboard
=LOOKUP(2,1/(ISNUMBER(FIND($A$30:$A$100,SUBSTITUTE(A1," ","_")))*($A$30:$A$100<>"")),$B$30:$B$100)
Then in A30:A100 have the search terms all with a leading and trailing "_" underscore.

See the attached. Rows 5:26 are hidden.
Almost Perfect. I put it in an IFERROR and now it is perfect. There are possibilities where I may not have a value it can find, so I will have it leave the cell blank.
Here is what it looks like now:

=IFERROR(LOOKUP(2,1/(ISNUMBER(FIND($A$30:$A$100,SUBSTITUTE(A1," ","_")))*($A$30:$A$100<>"")),$B$30:$B$100),"")

Thank you! and everyone else for your suggestions. It's great having so many knowledgeable people to support each other.