I essentially have over 6000 records with an X and Y position but missing data. I have over 17,000 records that have all the data I need with X and Y as well.

I would like to use excel to take each point missing the data and subtract the X and Y from all the points in the 17,000 with data and pull the data that is the minimum distance in both delta X and delta Y....

So If the first record missing data is 300 feet from a point with data in the X direction and only 40 feet from a point with data in the Y direction I want to extract the missing data
from the point that is only 40 feet away.

My problem is how do you set this up as a formula? I also feel it would require a loop function to "loop" through the 17,000 X,Y points and find the minimum distance from each point in the 6,000+ records.

I know I can import this into mapping software such as ESRI ArcGIS desktop and do it by hand But I would rather keep it in excel before going to that point!

Thank you all!
Dan (DCmapper)