At the moment I am using the formula =IF(H7="TW",IF(OR(D7="Georgi",D7="Paulius"),7, 6.7),K7/O7) to calculate an employees hourly rate based on either "Time Work" or "Piece Rate"

But as of tomorrow the minimum wage for those 25 and over will increase to £7.20 and with the help of another poster on here the following statement has been written

=IF(H7="TW",IF(INDEX(Data!$E$3:$E$100,MATCH(D7,Data!$C$3:$C$100,0))>=25,7.2, 6.7),K7/O7)

The index and match part are searching for the employees name and age.

What I need to be able to do now is the incorporate some of the first statement into the second as both Georgi and Paulius are under 25 but they must retain their hourly rate of £7.00 as supposed to £6.70 when they are working on "TW"

Thanks up front for any help given