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On a monthly chart, I need a cell that will search tomorrow and input names by criteria

  1. #1
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    On a monthly chart, I need a cell that will search tomorrow and input names by criteria

    I hope I explain this well enough. I have a monthly calendar. Column B are people names. Column F is the start of the dates.... 1st day of month is F, G is the 2nd,...etc. Rows 2 and 18 show the day of the week (It is silly to have two date rows, but I can not change that due to someone else's request). Rows 3-17 and 19-33 are daily locations for the respective person in column B. I have 3 jobs that will be done by three different people daily. Currently, I have to scan the calendar daily to find the individuals and let them know they will be doing it. The schedule fills up and it takes time to find the respective people for the jobs. What I would like to do is have a cell that will search for this job for the next day, and populate the name for tomorrow. Since I am not the only one to look at this calendar and inform that individual, I want to make it easy for anyone to look at the calendar on any given day so they can notify the correct person. Occassionally, names will get added or removed from the list, as in deleting that whole row. The two date rows can be changed to excel date format if needed, but not much room to show the date. Is there a way to do this?
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  2. #2
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    Re: On a monthly chart, I need a cell that will search tomorrow and input names by criteri

    As far as what I have tried, this Is what I tried and is giving the wrong results:


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    Re: On a monthly chart, I need a cell that will search tomorrow and input names by criteri

    Attach a sample workbook.

    Make sure there is just enough data to demonstrate your need. Include a BEFORE sheet and an AFTER sheet in the workbook if needed to show the process you're trying to complete or automate. Make sure your desired results are shown, mock them up manually if necessary.

    Remember to desensitize the data.

    Click on GO ADVANCED and then scroll down to Manage Attachments to open the upload window.

  4. #4
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    Re: On a monthly chart, I need a cell that will search tomorrow and input names by criteri

    Dear bromanbdc :
    > First table manually data enter. Is its ok
    > Second table rquired result for next day. Is its ok
    But i have notice that, name of "f" is ok its show next days. 6 to 7 is ok. But on 18 you mentioned as "job" but in table 1 on 17 is blank.
    For name "g" : In first table on 2nd but in table 2, date on 4th. (after two days but in your post you mentioned next day.

    If you attach sample file with earlier data & after result required data, its more clearity.


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    Re: On a monthly chart, I need a cell that will search tomorrow and input names by criteri

    Workbook is uploaded. I was attempting to do an Index/Match to get what I wanted, with no luck. Going off of the workbook I uploaded, what I am looking for is the ability to:

    Input the date (Probably with today formula), and input the job # (Job, Job 2, Job 3), and I want it to tell me the name that is doing the job # I Input on the date I input. So if I wanted to know who was doing Job 2 on Dec 11th, I would just type Dec 11th in one block and Job 2 in the second search box. it would then tell me that B is doing that job.

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    Re: On a monthly chart, I need a cell that will search tomorrow and input names by criteri

    No attachment.

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    Re: On a monthly chart, I need a cell that will search tomorrow and input names by criteri

    Hmm. Ill try to add the attachment again.
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    Re: On a monthly chart, I need a cell that will search tomorrow and input names by criteri


    in E41

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  9. #9
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    Re: On a monthly chart, I need a cell that will search tomorrow and input names by criteri

    Thank you John Topley. That works! Just had to change the first index range from B4-B18 to B4-B35. I got an error on the first two tries about excel not having enough resources, but hasn't popped up since. Seems to work as I need. Thank you so much!! Maybe someday I can give back enough for all of the help I have received.

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    Re: On a monthly chart, I need a cell that will search tomorrow and input names by criteri

    If that takes care of your original question, please select Thread Tools from the menu link above and mark this thread as SOLVED. Thanks.

  11. #11
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    Re: On a monthly chart, I need a cell that will search tomorrow and input names by criteri

    Just one last thing. An oversight on my part. There will be some merged Cells, say if someone is going to be doing the same job for 3 days in a row. is there a way to still have this work with merged cells for the job?

  12. #12
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    Re: On a monthly chart, I need a cell that will search tomorrow and input names by criteri

    Please AVOID merged cells: they cause nothing but problems.

    If someone is to work for more than one day in a row how would you like the output to look as currently you only input a single date?
    Last edited by JohnTopley; 12-08-2016 at 04:29 PM.

  13. #13
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    Re: On a monthly chart, I need a cell that will search tomorrow and input names by criteri

    I was afraid you would say that. I have already explained to everyone how difficult it would be to make that happen with merged cells. Everyone just wants a cleaner sheet, since some job names will not fit into one square, and will be unreadable of not merged. is there anything else I can do to maybe leave the cells unmerged, but maybe appear as if they are merged?

  14. #14
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    Re: On a monthly chart, I need a cell that will search tomorrow and input names by criteri

    If column width needs to remain the same then possibly "Wrap Text" with smaller "Font": though your sample is already small!.

    Code the Jobs rather than full description e.g. XYZ = "Job 1 description"
    Last edited by JohnTopley; 12-09-2016 at 04:11 AM.

  15. #15
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    Re: On a monthly chart, I need a cell that will search tomorrow and input names by criteri

    Ok. Thank you. I'll work on it. I appreciate all of your help.

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