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Increase value of cell after time-interval

  1. #1
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    Increase value of cell after time-interval

    Is it possible to increase the value of a cell (numeric) (+1) automatically every hour, or every 30 minutes without pressing any button?

  2. #2
    Administrator 6StringJazzer's Avatar
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    Re: Increase value of cell after time-interval

    Yes it is. It requires VBA (macros). What do you want to do to start this process running? As soon as the file is opened? Do you ever need to stop it? What determines whether it's every hour, or every 30 minutes?

    I can provide a dummy file that does this and you can adapt it to your file if you know something about VBA. I could also implement in your file if you attach it. Under the text box where you type your reply click the Go Advanced button. On the next screen scroll down and click on Manage Attachments, which will show a pop-up window to Select and Upload a file. Then close the window.
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  3. #3
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    Re: Increase value of cell after time-interval

    Thank you for your quick response. I've the excel-file attached by this document.

    It's an self created reward system for a group kids on a elementary school in the Netherlands. The kids get points for desired behavior and loose them by undesirable behavior.

    I want a start and stop button for automatically adding points to cell B1...B23. Time-interval: every 30 minutes each cell 1 point. If possible adding the points spread over that 30 minutes, so the kids are curious when he or she gets another point in that 30 minutes period. Can you realize that?

    Perhaps you can also look at the plan at the right of the colored graphic. That is the plan of a classroom with the kids tables.
    It would be great when I can give the kids also points by clicking on their tables on the plan. I have created that already by Jordi, Matthijs and Kaleb on this plan. Perhaps you know a faster way to realize that.

    And the final step I want to realize in the future is that I can not only give points on the plan, but also can remove points there, and that the table turns green or red by doing that.

    I'll hope you can do something for me. I would be very grateful for that!
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  4. #4
    Administrator 6StringJazzer's Avatar
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    Re: Increase value of cell after time-interval

    Your problem is a bit more work than your first post suggests.

    If possible adding the points spread over that 30 minutes, so the kids are curious when he or she gets another point in that 30 minutes period.
    Sorry, I don't understand what you are thinking here. You mean over the course of 30 minutes, add 1 point to each student, but do it at random times during the 30 minutes?

    the table turns green or red by doing that
    What exactly changes colors, and when does it turn green, and when does it turn red?

  5. #5
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    Re: Increase value of cell after time-interval

    Your first explanation about the course of 30 minutes is correct. It would be nice that not after 30 minutes everybody gets 1 point added at the same time, but let it randomly happen during the 30 minutes. If thats to difficult to realize then I'm also happy with 1 point added to each student after every 30 minutes at the same time.

    About the colors: when I click on a table at the plan, I want the table lights green, and a point have to be added to that student, so that every student can see who has earned a point on that moment on the plan. After giving these points the table colors have to be reset by a resetbutton or something like that, so that all the tables are again grayed (non activated state). Now these way of giving points can be repeated.
    The same setup would be nice for loosing points for a student, then the table in the plan must color red by clicking on it and 1 point have to be deleted by that student.

    So by the table plan must be coming a selection button for adding or removing points. I have made some screenshots for clarifying, of how I hope it's gonna work:

    (See files in Appendix):
    Adding points step 1: select "Adding points" button
    Adding points step 2: by clicking on tables they have to be colored green, and points are added by the students of that green tables
    Adding points step 3: select "reset colors" button. The points are added and the table colors are reset to grey color.

    The same steps for loosing points, where the tables have to be colored in red by clicking on it.

    This is much more then i asked earlier, and these are 2 different, complicated functions I want to realize. I will be very happy if you anyway can realize that there will be added every 30 minutes 1 point to the students, with a start and stop button for the timer.
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  6. #6
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    Re: Increase value of cell after time-interval

    Do you have received my last reply of 26-01-2017? And the attached images? I see them in this thread as 3 white crosses, so I doubt if it's well received. I am very curious what you can do for me!

  7. #7
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    Re: Increase value of cell after time-interval

    Sorry: the last reply is of 29-01-2017.

  8. #8
    Administrator 6StringJazzer's Avatar
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    Re: Increase value of cell after time-interval

    I have all the information but as I mentioned this looks like it could take a lot of time and not sure when/if I can do it. Will take a look when I can. Meantime I am sure others are also viewing.

  9. #9
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    Re: Increase value of cell after time-interval

    An update: the following functions I've a solution for on this moment:
    - clicking on the plan for adding / removing points by the students with red or green colored tables. The only problem that's not solved is the original question in this post:

    "It would be nice that not after 30 minutes everybody gets 1 point added at the same time, but let it randomly happen during the 30 minutes. For the timer is a start and stop button desired. If thats to difficult to realize then I'm also happy with 1 point added to each student after every 30 minutes at the same time.

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