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Wrong sum of time, problem with conditional formatting

  1. #1
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    Post Wrong sum of time, problem with conditional formatting

    Hi everyone,

    I'm making a simple workbook for my colleagues so they can keep track of how many hours they spend on their different tasks.
    It works as follows:

    In the second sheet, the user fills in their starting time in collumn D, their ending time in collum E and their breaktime in collumn F. Their total working time is shown in collumn G.
    In collumns J:S they can specify their spended hours per task. The sum of these hours are shown in collumn I as a check.
    I added a conditional formatting to collumn I. If it doesn't match with collumn G, the color of the text becomes red.

    So for so good, it looked like it worked as it should, but then someone worked for one hour, filled in the sheet correctly and the check in I2 remained red. He started at 10:00 and finished at 11:00. When I wanted to fix the problem and filled in (kind of by accindent) that he started at 9:00 and finished at 10:00, I2 did go back to its normal color..
    I have absolutely no idea where this came from. I added the workbook with different starting times, all shifts have a duration of one hour.

    I don't know if it has any effect in this matter, but I use the 1904 date system in this workbook, because I wanted a simple way to show negative hours on the first sheet. I found that solution somewhere on the internet. But, if I change this setting back to the 1900 date system, the cell in collumn I still remain red, so it seems that this isn't cause of the problem.

    Does anybody have any idea how this is possible? I hope I explained the situation clear enough.


    PS The text in the workbook is in Dutch, but I guess that won't be a problem for you, right?
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    Last edited by Bossie94; 02-21-2017 at 04:49 AM.

  2. #2
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    Re: Wrong sum of time, problem with conditional formatting

    I checked everything in your sheet that I could think of. Conditional Formatting, Cell Format, etc.

    Can't find anything wrong with it.

    Perhaps the workbook is simply corrupted ?

    Need to start again from scratch ?

  3. #3
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    Re: Wrong sum of time, problem with conditional formatting

    You mixed formats, TIME and NUMBER
    [deleted by author]

    1. All cells with time set to General format
    2. Retype all time this way: 01:00 or 1:00 (should automatically get Custom format hh:mm or h:mm)
    3. Probaly you will see red color on a few weeks
    4. If "red week" , edit first cell in this week in col. Totaal aantal uren, and use ROUND(). E.g. ROUND(old formula,5) and drag down to the end of "red week". Do the same for col. Check
    5. Change Format Cells Date/Time => Locale from Nepali to Dutch (Netherlands) (option)
    6. ROUND() can be used for all weeks (but too much work! )

    hope it will help.
    Last edited by sandy666; 02-21-2017 at 03:53 AM.

  4. #4
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    Re: Wrong sum of time, problem with conditional formatting

    Thank you both for replying!

    Logit, at first that was my biggest fear to. It didn't really take long to make, but starting from scratch would be quite frustrating.

    Sandy666, your solution worked! I can't see where I used the NUMBER format, but using your ROUND solution solved my problem!

    Thanks for taking the time to look at my problem


  5. #5
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    Re: Wrong sum of time, problem with conditional formatting

    There was too many errors and I eliminate them step by step. That is why I said change from Nepali to Dutch.
    And don't format time cells by yourself, it should be General. It will take format from kind of input like I said above
    Good to know it works for you

    Thanks for feedback.

    0.0416666666666667 <> 0.0416666666666666 RED because they are different
    0.04166 = 0.04166 No Color
    Last edited by sandy666; 02-21-2017 at 05:19 AM.

  6. #6
    Forum Expert Logit's Avatar
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    Re: Wrong sum of time, problem with conditional formatting

    Glad you have it sorted out.


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