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conditional format with "applies to" that changes

  1. #1
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    conditional format with "applies to" that changes

    Im trying to find a way to change the area that conditional formatting applies to automatically. I have a sheet that has data on it and I often add data to it from time to time and would like the conditional formatting to change with it automatically instead of me having to change the "applies to" range manually if possible.

    for example if I have conditional formatting that applies to D2:AE200 and I add more data at row 201 can it see that was added and change the range.

    I would just make the range larger than I need but i also use sort often and if the range is larger it sorts the empty rows as well.

  2. #2
    Forum Guru Norie's Avatar
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    Re: conditional format with "applies to" that changes

    You could create a dynamic named range and then use that for the 'applies to' range rather than a hard-coded range.
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  3. #3
    Forum Expert dflak's Avatar
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    Re: conditional format with "applies to" that changes

    The easiest way to do this is to put your data into an Excel table.

    One of the benefits of an Excel table is that it "copies down" formulas, formats (including conditional formats) and validation. So when you create the Conditional formatting, highlight the data (exclude the header) in the column. Then when you look at the conditional formatting later, one of the options is to show formats that apply to the table. These range will show the sheet values in the Conditional Format box, but internally it's linked to the table column so if you add or subtract data and go back, you will see the sheet addressed still match the table column.

    P.S. Also what Norie said.
    Last edited by dflak; 05-08-2017 at 04:18 PM. Reason: Add PS
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  4. #4
    Forum Guru Norie's Avatar
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    Re: conditional format with "applies to" that changes


    Always forget about tables for this sort of thing - far easier option than setting up dynamic ranges, in my opinion anyway.

  5. #5
    Forum Expert dflak's Avatar
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    Re: conditional format with "applies to" that changes

    I am a tables fanatic even when I don't need them.

  6. #6
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    Re: conditional format with "applies to" that changes

    not sure a table would work with my setup but i'm also not familiar with tables. Here is an example of what I have. First page "working sheet" is where the data is put to look at. Second page "data" is where the data is. The data is constantly changing so I'm hoping to only change it in one place. In my version I have 3 other sheets that call on the data to use it. Im using =IF('data sheet'!A1:AB1="","",'data sheet'!A1:AB1) to pull the data from the data sheet to the "working sheet" automatically. Not sure if I'm explaining it right so here is the example.
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    Last edited by kevinu; 05-08-2017 at 06:45 PM.

  7. #7
    Forum Expert dflak's Avatar
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    Re: conditional format with "applies to" that changes

    A table could work, but in this case, it doesn't confer a big benefit since we need to cover both rows and columns. Norie's on the right track with a dynamic name here except that the range has to be found using VB.

    So the following program uses LastCell to find the bottom-most, right-most cell to define the range to apply the formatting to. It also makes use of a helper cell on a helper sheet (Cell A1 on Sheet CF_Cell) that contains the validation you want.

    It copies this cell and pastespecial formats to the computed range on the working sheet.
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  8. #8
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    Re: conditional format with "applies to" that changes

    very cool thanks

  9. #9
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    Re: conditional format with "applies to" that changes

    Quote Originally Posted by Norie View Post
    You could create a dynamic named range and then use that for the 'applies to' range rather than a hard-coded range.
    Do the Office 365 & 2016 versions of Excel really allow for this? I only have Excel 2010 on hand, and that automatically converts any (dynamic or not) named range into an absolute reference range in "Applies to".
    I tried looking this up, but got nothing in the way of a firm confirmation. Anyone with newer Excel up to actually trying this suggestion out and seeing if the named range remains unconverted?
    Last edited by Monimonika; 05-09-2017 at 03:12 PM.

  10. #10
    Forum Expert dflak's Avatar
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    Re: conditional format with "applies to" that changes

    Named dynamic range worked at least as far back as Excel 2003. That's when I used them.

    I wound up effectively creating a named dynamic range using VB in this case because I didn't know which row had the most amount of data. In a named dynamic range you usually determine how many rows and/or columns to include in the range using COUNTA - this assumes you pick the longest column or row and the the data are contiguous (no blank cells). In the case of your data, I needed to use LastCell to make sure I caught the longest row and column.

    Here is some information on dynamic ranges. They come in handy for formulas, data validation drop-down lists and dynamic charts.

  11. #11
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    Re: conditional format with "applies to" that changes

    Quote Originally Posted by dflak View Post
    Named dynamic range worked at least as far back as Excel 2003. That's when I used them.
    Interesting how no one with a version of Excel higher than 2010 can respond whether or not they were able to use a dynamic named range (or even a simple named range) in the "Applies to" field. Even the one who first suggested it hasn't confirmed it with their own Excel version.
    From my online search elsewhere, all I get are threads where the dynamic named range gets presented as the solution, usually followed by the questioner saying it doesn't work in the "Applies to" field, and then the threads end there.
    Last edited by Monimonika; 05-11-2017 at 01:03 PM.

  12. #12
    Forum Expert dflak's Avatar
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    Re: conditional format with "applies to" that changes

    The only reason a conventional named range would not work here is because there is not a convenient formula to find the longest row and the widest column. Normally, COUNTA accomplishes this


    However, we don't know if column A is the longest column or if it has gaps. Similar logic applies to using row 1.

  13. #13
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    Re: conditional format with "applies to" that changes

    I am using Excel 2013 and named range doesn't work in the "Applies to" field.

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    Re: conditional format with "applies to" that changes

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