So iv been working on a spreadsheet, and its really the first time iv played with excell formulas beyond simple If commands, but im doing OK and enjoying it!
The spreadsheet Im working on is for logging my work shifts. What I want help with is a formula to check the times and dates of the shifts entered, and add a value to a cell if the criteria is met.

So, the company is incentive based and each shift can attract certian bonuses. One of the bonuses is working consecutive shifts. I have been using check boxes up to now for this task, but would like to use a formula.

Each shift gets entered into the spreadsheet, with the date and time. There can be between 1 and 4 shifts per day (e.g 1pm, 2pm, 3pm, 4pm).
So lets say I work 1pm , 3pm and 4pm slots. The total money earned per shift for 1pm would not attract the consecutive shift bonus, so I would want that to add nothing to the total. However, 3pm and 4pm are consecutive shifts, so would attract the extra money, which is where I would want the money to be added to the total earned/shift cell. if 1pm, 2pm, 3pm, and 4pm are all worked in a given day (must be same day/date), then each shift would attract the bonus.

I hope iv explained myself clearly! I have some more questions to come, but this is the current obstacle im facing regarding this spreadsheet.

Thanks in advance!