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Live data import to populate a growing table

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    Live data import to populate a growing table

    I am trying to write a relatively simple spreadsheet to run calculations based on a two column table of data. The problem is that my requirements for importing the data are very specific. Is there a command for importing a piece of data and appending it to an existing table? To be more specific, the data I am concerned with updates daily (only on weekdays), and I am concerned with what it is doing every day after the date I begin sampling. I want a macro that will retrieve the daily data point from the web and add it to the end of my table so that my calculations may take effect. Please find a desensitized version of my workbook attached for clarification. The cells highlighted in yellow are where the table should populate, the grey cell is for user input, and the remaining cell conducts the calculations.

    How do I import a single data point daily and add it to the end of a growing table with a macro?

    Thanks in advance,
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