
I am trying to solve such interesting challenge.

I need to call result and based on the result I need to apply one of three different formulas

I am calling the result via VLOOKUP - VLOOKUP(B2;BP!B:R;17;FALSE)

If the result is below 120, I need this formula- IF(SUM(COUNTIF(D18;">0");COUNTIF(E18;">0"))>=1;"OK";"PROBLEM")
If the result is between 121 and 200, I need this formula - IF(SUM(COUNTIF(D18;">0");COUNTIF(E18;">0"))>=2;"OK";"PROBLEM")
If the result is over 201, I need this formula - IF(SUM(COUNTIF(F18;">0");COUNTIF(G18;">0"))>=3;"OK";"PROBLEM")

Please advise how to put a formula together
