Hi all,

I am looking to extract information about a players tennis serve location based on whether certain criteria are met.

For example I would like to know the x coordinate location of the serve when Roger Federer is serving, AND the serve outcome is "1st serve made" OR "1st serve ace" AND the point was won by "Roger Federer".

So far I have managed to get the following formula to work:

=INDEX(Table1[[#All],[Serve location(x)]],MATCH("1st serve made",Table1[[#All],[Serve outcome]],0))

However, struggling to then add in the other criteria. I would like to add in (1) OR "1st serve ace" in the serve outcome array (2) AND "Roger Federer" was serving in the server array (3) AND "Roger Federer" in the point won by array.

The plan would then be to use this formula to pull out all of the relevant x coordinate (and I can adapt for the y coordinate) data from a match.
(at the moment I am achieving this through manually filtering a table and copying and pasting the relevant data to another sheet, however this is taking a long time and also prone to me making errors )

Please can someone help me?

