I have a spreadsheet that I have hundreds of columns and about 10 rows. However, I am only looking at Columns A and C for my data. I know what I am looking for. I have tried using SUMPRODUCT. What I want to do is so for instance look for anything with a specific name like Wal-Mart and sum everything that I have for instance spent at Wal-Mart. However, at the same time I also want to exclude anything I have spent at Wal-Mart that is over $1,000.00.

This is what I am using to find everything I have spent at Wal-Mart: =SUMPRODUCT(('Checking Account Balance'!$A$8:$A$1000=$A$3)*'Checking Account Balance'!$C$8:$C$1000) I want to include everything under $1,000 but exclude everything over $1,000. Is there a way to do this with SUMPRODUCT. Or am I needing to include inside of the array for SUMPRODUCT a SUMIF statement?

I have tried this but it returns the total number of times that Wal-mart shows up in my list instead of the total with the exclusions: =SUMPRODUCT(('Checking Account Balance'!$A$8:$A$1000="Wal-Mart")*($C$8:$C$1000<"1000")*($C$8:$C$1000))
I know what totals I need based on the checks and balances that I have built into the spreadsheet, just not able to do this correctly.