I've got a sheet of data that I want to copy to another section of the workbook if these conditions are met, what I've come up with works, but leaves gaps in the table to match what it's lookingup from
Essentially it's looking at another table and if column B says a specific text and column I is #NA then it returns the data in column A.
This is my formula;
IF(IF('Supplier Statement'!$B5="A SPECIFIC TEXT",IFNA('Supplier Statement'!$I5,'Supplier Statement'!$A5)),IF('Supplier Statement'!$B5="Invoice",IFNA('Supplier Statement'!$I5,'Supplier Statement'!$A5)),"")
The problem is that it's leaving rows blank where the conditions are not met, and ideally I'd like it to populate the table with only the answers required - so if the IF is false, it doesn't pull that data across.
I've experimented with putting a vlookup in there but it goes all squirrelly...
Can some one please point me in the right direction?