Hi good people of Excel land. I'm new here and hope you can help. I've used Excel in a basic form for a while, but am getting to use more and more in depth functions.

I have 48 rows of data, each row has 3 cells. Each row details information about sensors. I want to count the sensors into three groups: Good, indeterminate and bad.

I have two reference cells above each column, an upper limit and a lower limit:

590 170 20
570 165 18

xxx yyy zzz
xxx yyy zzz
xxx yyy zzz
xxx yyy zzz
. . .
. . .
. . .

I use conditional formatting to colour the cells thus:
cell style GOOD for any cells >= the upper limit.
cell style NEUTRAL for any cells between the limits.
cell style BAD for any cells < the lower limit.

So far so good.

Now I want three cells set up to count the rows with the following criteria (each row is one sensor):

Cell #1: ALL cells in a row are GOOD (This sensor is a pass).
Cell #2: One or more cells in a row are NEUTRAL (Sensor is indeterminate).
Cell #3: One or more cells in a row are BAD. (No prizes for guessing this one).

I generate data that has every combination of these. I don't want the same row to be deemed as NEUTRAL and BAD which and give incorrect counts.

if this needs macros then no problem.

Any help appreciated.

