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Calculate Compass Heading between Points

  1. #1
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    Calculate Compass Heading between Points

    This is a bit of an odd one but I currently have a project where waypoints are plotted grid.

    I have a means of calcualting the length of each leg between waypoints with some simple trigonometry but I need to be able to calculate the compass heading of each one too; there's a few ideas swimming around in my head but my brain has stopped working now it seems.

    Any help is greatly appreciated, many thanks



  2. #2
    Forum Expert KOKOSEK's Avatar
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    Re: Calculate Compass Heading between Points

    Can you attached your file here, please? I don't see on snap any sensitive data so should be ok.
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  3. #3
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    Re: Calculate Compass Heading between Points

    Getting bearings should still be simple trig. I find that a lot of trig is easier if I understand the unit circle. I made a spreadsheet here to illustrate the unit circle in Excel: https://www.excelforum.com/tips-and-...ml#post4309792 I think the trickiest part of this for many will be the switch from the standard "angles are referenced to the positive x axis" convention that standard trig uses and the compass bearing convention where angles are referenced to the positive y axis (north). I recommend you spend a few minutes with the unit circle and compass bearing convention to make sure you understand what is happening.

    Once you have a handle on that, then getting compass bearing from your data points becomes a simple ATAN2() function: https://support.office.com/en-us/art...8-c96b3a565033 Recognizing that y is now the equivalent of the x (cosine) argument and x is now the equivalent of the y (sine) argument, the angle from point 1 to point 2 is simply ATAN2(M3,L3).

    Then you must remember that, like all programming languages, Excel does trig in radians, so you need to convert the result from radians to degrees. DEGREES(ATAN2(M3,L3)). Then note that the ATAN2() output is -pi() to +pi() radians (-180 to +180 degrees) -- and most who deal with compass bearings want output from 0 to 360. Usually this is accomplished with a MOD() function =MOD(DEGREES(ATAN2(M3,L3)),360)
    Quote Originally Posted by shg
    Mathematics is the native language of the natural world. Just trying to become literate.

  4. #4
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    Re: Calculate Compass Heading between Points

    Thanks very much for your help all, have now solved the issue.

    I took a slightly more convoluted route, so after working out which Cartesian quadrant the end of the leg/vector was I was able to produce the follow the following formula which does the trick, although I'm sure it could be simplified hugely




    Thanks again

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