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CountIfs multiple dates in multiple ranges

  1. #1
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    CountIfs multiple dates in multiple ranges

    I need a formula that can calculate this for period ending every month
    I started on rehire dashboard but I am missing the part to exclude the N/A

    eg. For stats eff: March 31, 2018
    I sort Col E (Contract End Date) for end dates greater than March 31, 2018 and dates N/A
    then sort by col D (Rehire Date) for rehire dates earlier than March 31, 2018 (exclude N/A)
    Then sort by LOB (Line of Business)

    Appreciate any help

    I attach a spreadsheet
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  2. #2
    Forum Moderator AliGW's Avatar
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    Re: CountIfs multiple dates in multiple ranges

    Welcome to the forum.

    I am not clear what the issue is here. Is it simply how to get rid of #N/A errors, or is there more to it? I have looked at the workbook and you seem to have formulae in place - if they are not working as expected, you need to give us some idea of the results you are expecting and why.

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  3. #3
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    Re: CountIfs multiple dates in multiple ranges

    Hi Thank you for your response.

    I'll try to be more clear in the example below.
    There could be N/A in each column. The only one that count are if they are in column Ends & col Start
    date falls in the parameters (ie. before March 2018). If the N/A appears in Starts and the date in End
    is within the parameter (ie. greater than March 2018) then I do not want to count it.

    Start Ends LOB
    12-1-16 4-1-20 Nuclear - Count as 1 Started before March 2018 and ends after March 2018
    6-1-14 5-1-16 N/A - Does not count as ends before March 2018
    7-1-18 9-1-22 Corporate - Count as 1
    9-1-15 N/A Nuclear - Count as Start date is before March 2018 and there is no end date
    10-1-18 9-1-17 Enterprise - Does not count as Ends prior to March 2018
    N/A 5-1-14 N/A - Does not count as Ends prior to March 2018
    N/A N/A N/A - Do not count LOB as there is not start or end date

    I hope this is clearer. I appreciate your help

  4. #4
    Forum Guru
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    Re: CountIfs multiple dates in multiple ranges

    Still not sure that I understand the issue as I didn't find any instances where N/A was in column D and a date was listed in column E or visa versa.
    I made the following changes:
    1. On the first sheet in column F found and replaced #N/A with N/A
    2. Replace text in dashboard row 22 with first dates of each month custom formatted mmm yyy
    3. Rows 23:26 are populated using: =COUNTIFS('Subject to the Rehire Procedure'!$E:$E,">="&EOMONTH(B$22,0)+1,'Subject to the Rehire Procedure'!$D:$D,"<="&EOMONTH(B$22,0),'Subject to the Rehire Procedure'!$F:$F,$A23)
    4. Row 27 is populated using: =COUNTIFS('Subject to the Rehire Procedure'!$E:$E,">="&EOMONTH(B$22,0)+1,'Subject to the Rehire Procedure'!$D:$D,"<="&EOMONTH(B$22,0))
    If this doesn't do what you want I suggest you give us a specific cell on the dashboard sheet that is misreporting and let us know what the expected value should be and why.
    Let us know if you have any questions.
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    Consider taking the time to add to the reputation of everybody that has taken the time to respond to your query.

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