Hej everyone,

I'm in need of some help with a CUBE formula.

I have two sheets:
Goal and Oversigt

In the sheet "Oversigt" cell A2 I have the initials of a person - in this example we could say it was "JOJOH".
In my Goal sheet, I need the formula to look into my data model and find the initials but it should return the name of the person instead.
So in this case, it should return "John Johnson".

I got a similar function to work when creating measures with numbers, but I can't get it to return a single value.
My formula looks like this:


Medarbejdere1 is the datamodel data for all our co-workers and the column "Initialer" is the column with the lookup value (JOJOH). I need it to return the value in the column called "Navn" that matches the value in column "Initialer".

Currently my formula is returning the value from initials, so basically the value is the exact same as the value in Oversigt A2. I have tried to change the formula to
But it still does not work.

Can you help me?

Thanks in advance