
I just joined this forum and I hope I get many new tips and tricks to use Excel, but for now I have a problem.

I have massive data with precipitation (daily), which I need to calculate into decades of precipitation, however my different forms of formulas won't seem to ignore blanks so far, but instead I get zeros as result (which is not correct). The thing is that I get blanks, if I put condition, when value is greater than zero and I get zeros instead of blank, when I use formula, where result may be equal or greater than zero. What I want is that I could include actual zeros in calculation, but exclude blanks from calculation, so that my results actually give me zeros and blanks where needed.

Formula last used: =IF(SUMIFS(H$4:H$7455; $B$4:$B$7455; D7458; $C$4:$C$7455; C7458; H$4:H$7455; ""); ""; SUMIFS(H$4:H$7455; $B$4:$B$7455; D7458; $C$4:$C$7455; C7458))

H column is one of the datasets
B column is month-year (like june-2014)
C column is decade (like I decade, II decade, III decade, as in sets of 10-11 days)
D7458 is one of the months used as sumif condition
C7458 is one of the decades used as sumif condition