I have the following formula.

=SUMPRODUCT(N(('Form responses'!C:C="Temaz")+('Form responses'!F:F=1)+('Form responses'!F:F=2)>0)*('Form responses'!B:B>TODAY()-10))
I want to make a change so that
('Form responses'!C:C="Temaz")
returns true if the c:c cell contains "Temaz" as a sub string, rather than equates to it. Ie so that "Temaz" or "Temaz, pregab" both return true. The reason is that the cells now contain other substrings in addition to "temaz" but should still be counted. I've tried using wildcards "*Temaz*" but that doesn't work (gives wrong result).

I appreciate that the formula uses an array, which is bad practice, but there's not much data to process and it works well so for simplicity I've written it as it is.