Hi all,

Is there any way to add the solution to a formula into the next iteration using a column value? Every day, I clone a spreadsheet and input inventory count into column B. We have a running total of each inventory entry in column C, and an overall total of all inventory in the last row. I need to increment column C without having to manually re-enter the total and add the 'New' count each time I duplicate the sheet. Preferably with formulas and more basic ones at it. Thank you!

For example, today's report:

Item# | New | Total
ItemA | 14 | 250 (yesterday's total+14)
ItemB | 10 | 220 (yesterday's total+10)
Total | 24 (today's total) | 470 (overall total)

Tomorrow's report:

Item# | New | Total
ItemA | 5 | 255 (today's total+5)
ItemB | 7 | 227 (today's total+7)
Total | 12 (tomorrow's total) | 482 (overall total)