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Reference Input Excel Multiple Regression

  1. #1
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    Reference Input Excel Multiple Regression

    Hello everyone,

    I am currently having issues doing a multiple regression in Excel, the only issue I have is that the independent variable (X) columns are not next to each other. For example, in the "Data" -> "Data Analysis" -> "Regression" screen:

    Input Y range: $B$150:$B$174
    Input X range: $D$150:$F$174

    This will yield a satisfactory result, the regression is successful without errors.

    However, in my case the X columns are not next to each other, so I have to alter the input in the "Regression" screen:

    Input Y range: $B$150:$B$174
    Input X range: $D$150:$D$174+$E$150:$E$174+$F$150:$F$174

    When I use this reference, Excel claims "the reference you typed is not valid...".

    What is the correct way to refer to X variables in a regression in Excel which are not next to each other in a table?
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    Last edited by m1e; 11-28-2021 at 05:23 PM.

  2. #2
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    Re: Reference Input Excel Multiple Regression

    Hello m1e. Welcome to the forum.

    In order to get a clearer ideal of what you are working with it is almost always beneficial to upload a small sample workbook that clearly exemplifies both what you are working with and what you expect the outputs to be.
    See the instructions in the 'gold' banner at the top of this page. HOW TO ATTACH YOUR SAMPLE WORKBOOK:

  3. #3
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    Re: Reference Input Excel Multiple Regression

    I have added an example file in the OP

  4. #4
    Valued Forum Contributor
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    Re: Reference Input Excel Multiple Regression

    Well, the tool gives you (at least me) an explicit message that the range must be a contiguous reference.
    So what you want to do is not possible to do this way.

    1.) Why is rearranging your data not an option rather than trying to have formulas/functions cope with badly structured data?
    2.) All the values from the regressions analysis are available as worksheet functions where you may be able to pass non-contiguous ranges to the function.

    Is either an option?

  5. #5
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    Re: Reference Input Excel Multiple Regression

    To illustrate what I mean by 2.), e.g. for the coefficients:


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