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Show list of data based on multiple criteria?

  1. #1
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    Show list of data based on multiple criteria?

    Good morning,
    I'm trying to figure out how to create a list of data that'll fill in a column of cells based on multiple changing criteria. I feel like I'm missing something obvious...

    I have example.xlsx attached with two sheets. Sheet1 & Sheet2.

    Looking to have a list of the orders from Sheet1.A:A be displayed starting at Sheet2.A3, but only display the orders from that column that match the 4 criteria:

    Display orders that:
    Sheet1.E:E =Y, and
    Sheet1.D:D =Sheet2.B1, or
    Sheet1.D:D =Sheet2.C1, or
    Sheet1.D:D =Sheet2.D1

    Sheet2.B1, C1, and D1 are all data validation lists and will change based on what I'm looking for, and that can be up to 3 different carriers. So I want to see a list of orders that are all due to ship today that are showing to ship with any of those three carriers.

    The way that my example.xlsx is setup, I would want a list of orders to be shown that are "Yes, shipping today", and are for carrier "CTII". It should show me a list starting at Sheet2.A3, listing [123456, 912345]. If I changed the carrier on Sheet2.B2 from CTII to "EXLA", then I'd want just [234567]. If I had Sheet2.B1=CTII and Sheet2.C1=EXLA, then I'd want to see [123456, 234567, 912345], and so on. Does that make sense?

    Thank you!
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    Last edited by Tree310; 07-07-2022 at 09:04 AM. Reason: Solution!

  2. #2
    Forum Guru
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    Re: Show list of data based on multiple criteria?

    How about
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  3. #3
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    Re: Show list of data based on multiple criteria?

    Awesome! I didn't know I could do that with a Filter formula... jeez. I changed it so that the first portion is (Sheet1!E2:E10="Y"), instead of the TODAY(), since some of the orders ship earlier than the date, which is why we have a flag in Column E.

    This worked great. Thank you!

    My final solution:
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  4. #4
    Forum Guru
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    Re: Show list of data based on multiple criteria?

    Glad to help & thanks for the feedback.

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