Hello everyone!
I have this formula:
=IF(REGEXMATCH(C2, "05"), "General",IF(REGEXMATCH(C2, "15"), "API",IF(REGEXMATCH(C2, "10"), "FEM-Design",IF(REGEXMATCH(C2, "20"), "WIN-Statik",IF(REGEXMATCH(C2, "25"), "Dimension",IF(REGEXMATCH(C2, "27")))))))
I use it in Google Sheets to transform an Index Number (coming from a CRM) into the Software associated with this Index in the CRM.
I then go with the text information in ActiveCampaign.
The problem is the following: the formula works for cases where a contact is interested in only one software (for example 15 -> API). But if the contact is interested in more than one software (for example 15, 10) the form will not display the software names with a comma (for example API, FEM-Design).
Can you help me modify the formula so it works for more index numbers it finds?
Thank you.