Hi there,

This might be an impossible problem, so if it can't be done, i'm totally good with accepting that there just isn't a way of setting up the logic.

Here's a small sample of an excel doc i've been working on/with for a few months. FMIL Experimental.xlsm
I've managed to figure out logic and formulas for repeating headings and subheadings in columns in order to keep things organized and I've received help with VBA to affect font sizes. Everything that needs to work in a certain way works, but i had an idea that would save me a step, but it might be overly ambitious.

In Column E, I have a "Page" column, which references the highlighted row (in the sample, it's "Drew Estate Acid" based on what's in cell A2, and then "Drew Estate Undercrown" based on cell A30. I did something similar with the "Grouping" in column F. All of this is set up so that an app plug-in for InDesign can group and keep the data organized for when i create a monthly catalog, and all of that is preamble to what I'd like to try to do.

Column H is "Header Shield" and Column I is "Highlight. Generally, Header Shield will be based on one of the things (if any) in the highlight column. Essentially, if one of the items on the page is called out as being a "top seller" then i put "top seller" in the header shield column too, and that way the plug-in knows to both apply a color highlight to he row, and to delete all the headers except the one with the "top Seller" icon included in it. What i was thinking would be cool would be if the "header shield" column could automatically have "top seller" populate the Header Shield column if it appears in the highlight column. The problem is that i'm not quite sure how to make the formula look for "top seller" in the highlight column, but only within the items on that page (the columns under the page "Drew Estate Acid" have an example of how i've done it manually up until this point, and the shield header and highlight columns under "Drew Estate "Undercrown" are empty. Given that the number of items (and the number of subheadings) varies from "page" to "page", i can't just set a formula to look for the next "10-20 cells in column I, because 10-20 might not be enough, or it might bleed into the next "page" of items.

Like i said, i'm not sure if this is even possible, and I haven't even been able to think of a way in which the logic could work. I'm hoping there's a ways to have the formula in column H look within a variable number of cells in column I (anything between highlighted rows) to see if any of them have a label like "top sellers" in them. Any ideas would be appreciated.

Thanks everyone.