There is a group of 56 cells that contain 3 letter groups (i.e. DCM, DCP,
There is a column of cells that are listed in the following format

I want to find a way to use an IF statement to say:
IF ("DCELNN010101" contains "Any of the 56 3 letter groups" then return

I've been using =IF(ISNUMBER(FIND("DCE",L!B99)),"TRUE", "FALSE") with mild
success. The problem is that I'm limited to using just one of the 3 letter
groups (DCE) at a time. So with that logic I would have to create 56 formulas
for each cell that I wanted to perform this on. No thanks. I want the formula
to check the entire group of 56 groups and return whether that cell contains
any one of the 3 letters.
