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How do i number pages in a header consequently

  1. #1

    How do i number pages in a header consequently

    I am trying to number my worksheet in consecutive order usine the header,

    The worksheet I am using has five section, so each section has to be number
    differently beginning with page 1.

    I cannot get my worksheet to do it automatically i number them by myself.

    HELP! Thank you JRD

  2. #2
    Myrna Larson

    Re: How do i number pages in a header consequently

    Have you tried inserting manual page breaks above each section?

    On Sat, 22 Jan 2005 13:21:03 -0800, JRD <[email protected]> wrote:

    >I am trying to number my worksheet in consecutive order usine the header,
    >The worksheet I am using has five section, so each section has to be number
    >differently beginning with page 1.
    >I cannot get my worksheet to do it automatically i number them by myself.
    >HELP! Thank you JRD

  3. #3

    RE: How do i number pages in a header consequently

    Hope this helps: Go to "view", "headers snd footers", click on "custom
    header". In the header section you want it to appear (left, middle or right)
    type "Page" then "space", then hit the button marked with a single hash. Then
    hit "space" and then type " of", then "space" and then hit the button with
    the doubel cross or hash (next to the first button). This should then insert
    in the header "page 1 (etc) of 5,6,or however many pages you have got. You
    may have to tinker with the margins of the page to get it sited right. If you
    prefer the simple page number to appear then disregard everything above from
    "(left, middle or right)" and just hit the button with the single hash with
    the cursor in the correct section.

    "JRD" wrote:

    > I am trying to number my worksheet in consecutive order usine the header,
    > The worksheet I am using has five section, so each section has to be number
    > differently beginning with page 1.
    > I cannot get my worksheet to do it automatically i number them by myself.
    > HELP! Thank you JRD

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