How do I write this formula? I want to try and simplify this inquiry as much
as possible because once I understand how to write the formula, I can run
with it. But I want to take a value from one cell and a value from another
cell and use them to cross reference in a table and pull up the resultant.
For example, In one worksheet Cell A1 has a 4, and Cell A2 has a D, and then
on another worksheet in the same workbook, I have a table that is numbered
down the left side 1 to 10 and across the top A-Z and all those cells in that
table have different values in each one. The question is, how do I write a
formula that takes the 4 in Cell A1 and the D in Cell A2 and cross reference
them in the second worksheet to bring me the value in Cell 4,D. I hope this
makes sense. Thanks.