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Autofill question

  1. #1

    Autofill question

    I sure this is an easy one and has been posted may times, but could not
    find a post that matches, or even what to call this other than

    If I was to enter 1 anywhere in column a
    I would like Cook to appear in the first cell to the right and Rob to
    appear in the second cell to the right.

    If I was to enter 2 anywhere in column a
    I would like Woo to appear in the first cell to the right and Jim to
    appear in the second cell to the right.

    If I was to enter 3 anywhere in column a
    I would like King to appear in the first cell to the right and Tom to
    appear in the second cell to the right.

    If I was to enter 4 anywhere in column a
    I would like Fish to appear in the first cell to the right and Al to
    appear in the second cell to the right. and so on.

    Reference table
    1 Cook Rob
    2 Woo Jim
    3 King Tom
    4 Fish Al

    Could someone please refer me to a link that can explain how to do


  2. #2
    Jason Morin

    Re: Autofill question

    VLOOKUP is what you need to use. These examples will help:


    Atlanta, GA

    >-----Original Message-----
    >I sure this is an easy one and has been posted may

    times, but could not
    >find a post that matches, or even what to call this

    other than
    >If I was to enter 1 anywhere in column a
    >I would like Cook to appear in the first cell to the

    right and Rob to
    >appear in the second cell to the right.
    >If I was to enter 2 anywhere in column a
    >I would like Woo to appear in the first cell to the

    right and Jim to
    >appear in the second cell to the right.
    >If I was to enter 3 anywhere in column a
    >I would like King to appear in the first cell to the

    right and Tom to
    >appear in the second cell to the right.
    >If I was to enter 4 anywhere in column a
    >I would like Fish to appear in the first cell to the

    right and Al to
    >appear in the second cell to the right. and so on.
    >Reference table
    >1 Cook Rob
    >2 Woo Jim
    >3 King Tom
    >4 Fish Al
    >Could someone please refer me to a link that can explain

    how to do

  3. #3

    Re: Autofill question

    Thanks for the help, the tech on net site has good explanation for a
    rookie like me.

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