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Excel shifts to wrong worksheet automatically

  1. #1

    Excel shifts to wrong worksheet automatically

    I am copying data from one excel file to another. When I attempt to paste
    the data to worksheet 3 of the 2nd file, the 2nd file automatically shifts to
    worksheet 1. I then have to switch to worksheet 3 again before I can paste.
    It is very annoying. Is there anyway to get Excel to not shift away from
    worksheet 3 until I tell it to? If I could I'd paste all of the data in one
    block, but I can't so I have to switch back and forth between files and all
    the extra sheet shifting is time consumming and frustrating. Any help is

  2. #2

    Excel shifts to wrong worksheet automatically

    If it is only data that you are copying and pasting, you
    could just link the first cell of the top left location
    where you want the data in the 2nd spreadsheet, and copy
    down and over until all the data appears. Why waste your
    time copying and pasting.

    Don't forget to remove the anchor (convert $c$1 to c1 in
    first link) before copying down and over.

    >-----Original Message-----
    >I am copying data from one excel file to another. When I

    attempt to paste
    >the data to worksheet 3 of the 2nd file, the 2nd file

    automatically shifts to
    >worksheet 1. I then have to switch to worksheet 3 again

    before I can paste.
    >It is very annoying. Is there anyway to get Excel to not

    shift away from
    >worksheet 3 until I tell it to? If I could I'd paste all

    of the data in one
    >block, but I can't so I have to switch back and forth

    between files and all
    >the extra sheet shifting is time consumming and

    frustrating. Any help is

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