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Generate random numbers between two values and with a given mean

  1. #1

    Generate random numbers between two values and with a given mean

    I would like to use Excel to generate random numbers which:

    a) are situated between values X and Y (so far no problem)


    b) yield a mean Z, which is different from the average of X and Y.

    Could anyone help ?

  2. #2
    Bernd Plumhoff

    Re: Generate random numbers between two values and with a given mean


    If you like to put together your probability distribution
    stepwise, you can use my user-defined functions redw() or
    rww() at
    http://www.sulprobil.com/html/random_numbers.html, for

    If, for example, X=10, Y=20 and your desired Z=13, then
    you could (there are plenty of distribution which result
    in a mean of 13) take


    because it will (on average!) result in (9*(10+15)/2+1*
    (15+20)/2)/10 = 13.


  3. #3
    Jerry W. Lewis

    Re: Generate random numbers between two values and with a given mean

    Your question is unclear and incomplete:
    - What distribution do you want this random numbers to follow (uniform,
    normal, or other)
    - Is Z the mean of the distribution (which will probably depend on X &
    Y0, or is it the observed sample average which means that the random
    numbers will not be independent of each other?


    pinosan wrote:

    > I would like to use Excel to generate random numbers which:
    > a) are situated between values X and Y (so far no problem)
    > *AND*
    > b) yield a mean Z, which is different from the average of X and Y.
    > Could anyone help ?

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