I've created an IF statement with multiple formulas, but I can't seem to
figure out if it is possible to pull the information by a specific date
range. I have sales reps that visit customers on specific dates and I need
my tally sheet to only pull dates within that current week. Does anyone know
if this is possible??

This is what I have so far:
=SUM(IF(sales rep!AB2:AB216=I3,IF(sales rep!$AA$2:$AA$216=I4,IF(sales
rep!P2:P216=I7,IF(sales rep!$N$2:$N$216>=DATEVALUE("3/18/2005"),1,0)))))

If you look above I have it to calculate the date value starting at
03-18-05, but I would like it to only pull that date through the next week.
