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top worksheet -How do I copy a reference formula onto multiple worksheets

  1. #1

    top worksheet -How do I copy a reference formula onto multiple worksheets

    While attempting to do this, the formula on the top worksheet creates the
    proper formula. However the other sheets chosen enters the reference formula
    as a text. I have tried everything I can think of to reformat those cells to
    a value. Nothing, so far works.

  2. #2

    re: top worksheet -How do I copy a reference formula onto multiple worksheets


    (1) Check that the other sheets aren't in formula view mode. Ctrl+` to
    enter/exit mode.

    (2) Do a text to columns on the columns that you are attempting to put the
    formula in, use delimited and use an unlikely delimiter such as ~.

    (3) Make sure the formula is suffixed with =, make sure it's not suffixed
    with '.

    (4) Make sure that the cell is appropiately formatted: Format -> Cells /
    Number -> General.

    Something in this list should make it work???

    Good luck,

    "Nina@ramaz" wrote:

    > While attempting to do this, the formula on the top worksheet creates the
    > proper formula. However the other sheets chosen enters the reference formula
    > as a text. I have tried everything I can think of to reformat those cells to
    > a value. Nothing, so far works.

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