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counting date entries by month & year

  1. #1

    counting date entries by month & year

    I have a column with over 11(K) date entries. This column grows daily. I
    need a formula that will total the number of entries by month & year
    (disregarding the day).

  2. #2
    Blue Hornet

    Re: counting date entries by month & year

    A very simple way to accomplish this is to put in a "helper column"
    consisting of:
    = text( year( your_date_cell), "####") & " - " & text( month(
    your_date_cell), "##")

    Then just let Excel subtotal (Data / Subtotal) "Count" on changes in
    the helper column. This assumes that the entries are arranged
    chronologically in the column containing "your_date_cell".


  3. #3
    Bob Phillips

    Re: counting date entries by month & year

    Create a helper column and add the year there
    and another with the month

    and then create a pivot table for all of it. Probably simpler than trying to
    build yourself.



    (remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)

    "Di" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > I have a column with over 11(K) date entries. This column grows daily. I
    > need a formula that will total the number of entries by month & year
    > (disregarding the day).

  4. #4
    Ron Rosenfeld

    Re: counting date entries by month & year

    On Mon, 22 Aug 2005 08:36:52 -0700, "Di" <[email protected]> wrote:

    >I have a column with over 11(K) date entries. This column grows daily. I
    >need a formula that will total the number of entries by month & year
    >(disregarding the day).

    Column A = your list of date entries.

    B1:Bn A list of dates being the first of each month of interest.

    B1: 1 Jan 2000
    B2: 1 Feb 2000
    B3: 1 Mar 2000

    If you put the above dates in B1 and B2; select B1&B2; place the cursor in the
    lower right corner of the selection until it changes to a cross-hair, then
    press the left mouse button and drag it down, it will increment automatically.

    Copy down further into the future than you need.

    Format the cells: Format/Cells/Number/Custom Type: mmm yyyy

    C1: =COUNTIF(A:A,">="&B1)-COUNTIF(A:A,">="&B2)

    Format as number.
    Copy/Drag down as needed.


  5. #5

    Re: counting date entries by month & year

    What is a helper column? The date column is not arranged chronologically &
    is about 50 percent blank.
    Just gives me the year & month entered in the respective cells but doesn’t
    count anything. Could I have the cells formatted incorrectly?

    "Bob Phillips" wrote:

    > Create a helper column and add the year there
    > =YEAR(A2)
    > and another with the month
    > =MONTH(A2)
    > and then create a pivot table for all of it. Probably simpler than trying to
    > build yourself.
    > --
    > HTH
    > RP
    > (remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)
    > "Di" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    > news:[email protected]...
    > > I have a column with over 11(K) date entries. This column grows daily. I
    > > need a formula that will total the number of entries by month & year
    > > (disregarding the day).


  6. #6

    Re: counting date entries by month & year

    The date column is not arranged chronologically & is about 50 percent blank.

    "Blue Hornet" wrote:

    > A very simple way to accomplish this is to put in a "helper column"
    > consisting of:
    > = text( year( your_date_cell), "####") & " - " & text( month(
    > your_date_cell), "##")
    > Then just let Excel subtotal (Data / Subtotal) "Count" on changes in
    > the helper column. This assumes that the entries are arranged
    > chronologically in the column containing "your_date_cell".
    > Chris

  7. #7

    Re: counting date entries by month & year

    A variation of this worked!! Thanks for the help!

    "Ron Rosenfeld" wrote:

    > On Mon, 22 Aug 2005 08:36:52 -0700, "Di" <[email protected]> wrote:
    > >I have a column with over 11(K) date entries. This column grows daily. I
    > >need a formula that will total the number of entries by month & year
    > >(disregarding the day).

    > Column A = your list of date entries.
    > B1:Bn A list of dates being the first of each month of interest.
    > B1: 1 Jan 2000
    > B2: 1 Feb 2000
    > B3: 1 Mar 2000
    > etc.
    > If you put the above dates in B1 and B2; select B1&B2; place the cursor in the
    > lower right corner of the selection until it changes to a cross-hair, then
    > press the left mouse button and drag it down, it will increment automatically.
    > Copy down further into the future than you need.
    > Format the cells: Format/Cells/Number/Custom Type: mmm yyyy
    > C1: =COUNTIF(A:A,">="&B1)-COUNTIF(A:A,">="&B2)
    > Format as number.
    > Copy/Drag down as needed.
    > --ron

  8. #8
    Ron Rosenfeld

    Re: counting date entries by month & year

    On Wed, 24 Aug 2005 07:49:33 -0700, "Di" <[email protected]> wrote:

    >A variation of this worked!! Thanks for the help!

    Glad to help. Thank you for the feedback.


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