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skus in columm a for each sale, qty. of skus sold, each sale in co

  1. #1

    RE: skus in columm a for each sale, qty. of skus sold, each sale in co

    First select/hightlight your table (column A and Column B through however
    many rows you have). Click Data/Sort. Select SKU from the combo box for the
    primary key. Click OK. Your table should be sorted by SKU number.

    Then Click Data/Subtotals. Select

    At Each Change In: SKU
    Use Function : Sum
    Add Subtotal To: Quantity (whatever header represents your quantity column)

    Now using the + - buttons (or the columns buttons that appear above these)
    that will appear to the left of your spreadsheet, you can expand/collapse
    your summary to display however you want.

    "confused1" wrote:

    > I have the sku *part number for each individual item for each sale in column
    > A. In column B, I have the Qty. sold of each individual sku per order. I want
    > to be able to total the qty. sold of each sku. As an example 1rst sku in
    > column A is 41-402*Column A list the sku sold for the sale, column B lists
    > the Qty. of that sku sold for that individual sale. There are several hundred
    > sales in column a and the same sku will appear several times with different
    > qtys. listed in column b. Need to sort and total Qty. of each sku sold .
    > --
    > confused1

  2. #2

    RE: skus in columm a for each sale, qty. of skus sold, each sale in co

    First select/hightlight your table (column A and Column B through however
    many rows you have). Click Data/Sort. Select SKU from the combo box for the
    primary key. Click OK. Your table should be sorted by SKU number.

    Then Click Data/Subtotals. Select

    At Each Change In: SKU
    Use Function : Sum
    Add Subtotal To: Quantity (whatever header represents your quantity column)

    Now using the + - buttons (or the columns buttons that appear above these)
    that will appear to the left of your spreadsheet, you can expand/collapse
    your summary to display however you want.

    "confused1" wrote:

    > I have the sku *part number for each individual item for each sale in column
    > A. In column B, I have the Qty. sold of each individual sku per order. I want
    > to be able to total the qty. sold of each sku. As an example 1rst sku in
    > column A is 41-402*Column A list the sku sold for the sale, column B lists
    > the Qty. of that sku sold for that individual sale. There are several hundred
    > sales in column a and the same sku will appear several times with different
    > qtys. listed in column b. Need to sort and total Qty. of each sku sold .
    > --
    > confused1

  3. #3

    skus in columm a for each sale, qty. of skus sold, each sale in co

    I have the sku *part number for each individual item for each sale in column
    A. In column B, I have the Qty. sold of each individual sku per order. I want
    to be able to total the qty. sold of each sku. As an example 1rst sku in
    column A is 41-402*Column A list the sku sold for the sale, column B lists
    the Qty. of that sku sold for that individual sale. There are several hundred
    sales in column a and the same sku will appear several times with different
    qtys. listed in column b. Need to sort and total Qty. of each sku sold .

  4. #4

    RE: skus in columm a for each sale, qty. of skus sold, each sale in co

    First select/hightlight your table (column A and Column B through however
    many rows you have). Click Data/Sort. Select SKU from the combo box for the
    primary key. Click OK. Your table should be sorted by SKU number.

    Then Click Data/Subtotals. Select

    At Each Change In: SKU
    Use Function : Sum
    Add Subtotal To: Quantity (whatever header represents your quantity column)

    Now using the + - buttons (or the columns buttons that appear above these)
    that will appear to the left of your spreadsheet, you can expand/collapse
    your summary to display however you want.

    "confused1" wrote:

    > I have the sku *part number for each individual item for each sale in column
    > A. In column B, I have the Qty. sold of each individual sku per order. I want
    > to be able to total the qty. sold of each sku. As an example 1rst sku in
    > column A is 41-402*Column A list the sku sold for the sale, column B lists
    > the Qty. of that sku sold for that individual sale. There are several hundred
    > sales in column a and the same sku will appear several times with different
    > qtys. listed in column b. Need to sort and total Qty. of each sku sold .
    > --
    > confused1

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