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Syntax problem

  1. #1

    Re: Syntax problem

    Try putting this formula into cell Sheet1C59 ...



    "Alex H" <APH@nospam_moustraining.uk.com> wrote in message
    news:##[email protected]...
    | Hi,
    | I need some help with some syntax please - hoipe I can explain it clearly.
    | Sheet2 has data from an Access query. In each row of ColumnA we have a
    | month and year eg Aug-04. In Column B of the same row, we have a numeric
    | value for the month. eg Sheet2!A4 = Aug-04 and Sheet2!B4 = 102
    | Sheet1 ColumnA contains rows which also contain the month and year. eg
    | Sheet1A59 = Aug-04.
    | In Sheet1C59, I would need need to place the value from Sheet2!ColumnB, ie
    | 102
    | Is this possible please?
    | Thanks in advance
    | Thanks
    | A

  2. #2

    Re: Syntax problem

    Try putting this formula into cell Sheet1C59 ...



    "Alex H" <APH@nospam_moustraining.uk.com> wrote in message
    news:##[email protected]...
    | Hi,
    | I need some help with some syntax please - hoipe I can explain it clearly.
    | Sheet2 has data from an Access query. In each row of ColumnA we have a
    | month and year eg Aug-04. In Column B of the same row, we have a numeric
    | value for the month. eg Sheet2!A4 = Aug-04 and Sheet2!B4 = 102
    | Sheet1 ColumnA contains rows which also contain the month and year. eg
    | Sheet1A59 = Aug-04.
    | In Sheet1C59, I would need need to place the value from Sheet2!ColumnB, ie
    | 102
    | Is this possible please?
    | Thanks in advance
    | Thanks
    | A

  3. #3
    Alex H

    Syntax problem


    I need some help with some syntax please - hoipe I can explain it clearly.

    Sheet2 has data from an Access query. In each row of ColumnA we have a
    month and year eg Aug-04. In Column B of the same row, we have a numeric
    value for the month. eg Sheet2!A4 = Aug-04 and Sheet2!B4 = 102

    Sheet1 ColumnA contains rows which also contain the month and year. eg
    Sheet1A59 = Aug-04.

    In Sheet1C59, I would need need to place the value from Sheet2!ColumnB, ie

    Is this possible please?

    Thanks in advance


  4. #4

    Re: Syntax problem

    Try putting this formula into cell Sheet1C59 ...



    "Alex H" <APH@nospam_moustraining.uk.com> wrote in message
    news:##[email protected]...
    | Hi,
    | I need some help with some syntax please - hoipe I can explain it clearly.
    | Sheet2 has data from an Access query. In each row of ColumnA we have a
    | month and year eg Aug-04. In Column B of the same row, we have a numeric
    | value for the month. eg Sheet2!A4 = Aug-04 and Sheet2!B4 = 102
    | Sheet1 ColumnA contains rows which also contain the month and year. eg
    | Sheet1A59 = Aug-04.
    | In Sheet1C59, I would need need to place the value from Sheet2!ColumnB, ie
    | 102
    | Is this possible please?
    | Thanks in advance
    | Thanks
    | A

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