Hi All,

i'm hoping this is a pretty easy question, i just cannot get my head around
it. I have a number of formulae that refer to another workbook, however they
all refer to different worksheets within that workbook. Each month i have to
change the formulae to reflect a new workbook. What i would like to do is
have the formulae refer to a cell on my spreadsheet and then that cell
contains the name of the folder and workbook.

For example, my formulae are:
='J:\GFPS\Revenue Figures\Aug 05 Rev\[30.08.05.xls]Reconciliation'!$J$15
=(VLOOKUP(P22,'J:\GFPS\Revenue Figures\Aug 05 Rev\[30.08.05.xls]Monthly

but i would like cell P33 to contain Aug 05 Rev\[30.08.05] and then replace
this part of the formulae to refer to cell P33. Then when the month changes
to spetember, i just need to change cell P33 to Sep 05 Rev\[30.09.05] and all
the formulae will change to reflect this.
