I currently have a time sheet set up with columns for my employees hours for
the day then total for the week, then I have a column that adds their wage
for me and totals everything up.

Now the question I have is we are trying to break it up (instead of by hand)
anything over 44 hours is overtime, is there a formula I can use to have for
my regular hours in 1 column x the regular wage, then another column for O.T.
hours less regular hours x O.T. rate?

For example : B8:B14 (is 6 days of total hours worked) in Col. B15
But I want to keep the total in B15 at 44 hours or
less. Then the remaining hours I want to go to the next column for O.T. (B16)
which I will then use the formula to work out that wage.

Is this just asking for a lot from excel? or does anyone have any other
suggestion for keeping track of breaking the hours down.
