I am a bit lost here, I have a feeling I am in the right ballpark but stuck
on the details. My prob is -
I have a sheet of data exported from another application that has
information regarding employees and their work throughout each day for a 1
week period. The sheet is automatically formatted so there is a staff name
in column D and the days are listed in column A with the information for each
day noted in 4 columns under this - A, E. H & I. This information is in text
(col A) and time (all others)
I am trying to create a front page to this that will search for each staff
member's name and sumarise the information for each day. However I am having
trouble with this as I seem to need to lookup several pieces of info at a
I don't know if I have explained this very well, but if anyone could suggest
a way to extract this info it would be greatly appreciated!!
