I have a question?
When you are making a cell with a formula the references are set. But when
you copy the cell each cell reference changes relative to the position the
new cell is. My question is, is it possible to have to cell references stay
the same in all cells when i copy and the other cell reference change
relative to the new cell. I am wondering so that i dont have to change the 2
cell referance in all the new cells cells.
I am sorry if this question is hard to understand b/c i am having a hard
time explaning so here is an example.

Here is cell G5: =IF(C15=G14,+E15,0)
If I copy to cell H5 i get this: =IF(D15=H14,+F15,0)
But I want H5 to equal: =IF(C15=H14,+E15,0)

Can someone please help.