I use 9 columns named: Col A = Code; Col B = Date; Col C = Name; etc. The
rows beneath these columns are sorted according to Codes (from 1 to 7). I
sort Col A = AScending; Col B DEScending and Col C AScending.

In Col B, there are sub-headers coded from 1 to 7. I sort column B
DEScending in order that the subheader (say, Applicants) will be on the TOP
row of the Code 1’s. If I sort it Ascending, sub-header Applicants will be
on the last row of the Code 1’s.

Right now, by sorting Column B DEScending “Applicants” is on top but the
dates below it are sorted DEScending (of course). Is there a way (worksheet
function or VBA) that would sort Column B with sub-header “Applicants” on top
and the dates will be sorted ASCENSDING?

Thanks a lot.