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Function giving Error

  1. #1

    Function giving Error


    I am Using Office XP and i am writing a function in Excel that is giving me
    an error "The formula you type contains an error...."

    here is my function


    The problem seem to be the last round(rand... function.
    If i remove the last ROUND it work fine but when i put it in i am getting
    the error. Is there a limitation with the number of function you can have in
    a single cell ?

    Any help greatly appreciated


  2. #2
    Ron Rosenfeld

    Re: Function giving Error

    On Fri, 30 Sep 2005 22:06:56 -0400, "Martin" <[email protected]> wrote:

    >I am Using Office XP and i am writing a function in Excel that is giving me
    >an error "The formula you type contains an error...."
    >here is my function
    >The problem seem to be the last round(rand... function.
    >If i remove the last ROUND it work fine but when i put it in i am getting
    >the error. Is there a limitation with the number of function you can have in
    >a single cell ?


  3. #3
    Ron Rosenfeld

    Re: Function giving Error

    On Fri, 30 Sep 2005 22:06:56 -0400, "Martin" <[email protected]> wrote:

    >I am Using Office XP and i am writing a function in Excel that is giving me
    >an error "The formula you type contains an error...."
    >here is my function
    >The problem seem to be the last round(rand... function.
    >If i remove the last ROUND it work fine but when i put it in i am getting
    >the error. Is there a limitation with the number of function you can have in
    >a single cell ?
    >Any help greatly appreciated

    You may find all of the limits by typing 'specifications' into the HELP box.

    In your case, the RAND() function exceeds the seven limit number of nested


  4. #4
    Myrna Larson

    Re: Function giving Error

    I replied to your posting in the misc newsgroup. Please don't cross-post or
    multi-post. The people who answer questions here ordinarily read all of the

    On Fri, 30 Sep 2005 22:06:56 -0400, "Martin" <[email protected]> wrote:

    >I am Using Office XP and i am writing a function in Excel that is giving me
    >an error "The formula you type contains an error...."
    >here is my function
    >The problem seem to be the last round(rand... function.
    >If i remove the last ROUND it work fine but when i put it in i am getting
    >the error. Is there a limitation with the number of function you can have in
    >a single cell ?
    >Any help greatly appreciated

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