I'm using an Excel document to keep track of the cases I handle in my
department. I have several columns, B through L, with each cases information.
Once a case is determine to be resolved I fill the cells in row F (everything
7 and down) with *** CLOSED ***. I already have a basic function that goes
like this:

=COUNTIF(F:F,"*** CLOSED ***")

Pretty basic huh? Well that tells me how many cases I've closed in a pretty
forward way. Now the hard part is counting everything that doesn't have that
string in it, resulting in the cases that are still open. I would then have
another formula that figures the total of the two to give me my grand total
number of cases that I have handled. So what I'm asking is for a formula that
will tell me how many cases I have open. Again F7:F100.

For the sake of argument, I've got 13 worksheets, one for every month, and a
summary which I will use to analyze the cases as soon as I learn the
functions I'm looking for. As it is now, B2 on each worksheet has my close
count because that was the easy one. B1 is where I want the open cases
formula to go.

Thanks in advance for any help.