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Date problem (YYYY.MM.DD)

  1. #1

    Date problem (YYYY.MM.DD)

    I use Excel extensively for my genealogy which uses pre-1900 years. It is a
    real problem that MS can not provide an add-in for xdate rather than having
    to purchase PUP 6.0.

    However, my problem is that I created a spreadsheet under MS Office 97 where
    an Exhibit ID is YYYY.MM.DD ... but, when my new MS Office Excel 2003 opens
    the file it changes the format and I can not re-format it to the YYYY.MM.DD
    format accurately. Since this spreadsheet was my Index, it is critical that
    I have the original, accurate Exhibit ID.

    How can I do this? I have a backup of the original file if I can figure out
    what I need to do to the Excel template / addins before opening the old


  2. #2
    Gary''s Student

    RE: Date problem (YYYY.MM.DD)

    If you have a cell with a date in it, then select the cell and :

    Format > Cell > Custon > and enter yyyy.mm.dd

    this will make 12/25/2005 appear as 2005.12.25
    Gary''s Student

    "LadyBonita" wrote:

    > I use Excel extensively for my genealogy which uses pre-1900 years. It is a
    > real problem that MS can not provide an add-in for xdate rather than having
    > to purchase PUP 6.0.
    > However, my problem is that I created a spreadsheet under MS Office 97 where
    > an Exhibit ID is YYYY.MM.DD ... but, when my new MS Office Excel 2003 opens
    > the file it changes the format and I can not re-format it to the YYYY.MM.DD
    > format accurately. Since this spreadsheet was my Index, it is critical that
    > I have the original, accurate Exhibit ID.
    > How can I do this? I have a backup of the original file if I can figure out
    > what I need to do to the Excel template / addins before opening the old
    > version.
    > Bonita

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