I keep getting this problem and always find very hard to overcome without loosing much time and efforts. I have one spreadsheet A with vlookup formulas that are supposed to retrieve the info I want (prices) which are located in another spredsheet (B). The idea is to insert a reference in spreadsheet A and the vlookup formula gives me the price for that reference. Every year I have prices updates so I copy the spreadsheet that I am given from my boss with the thousands of new prices and paste it to the spreadsheet B. The problem is that once I do this the vlookup formulas in spreasheet A seems to not recognize the values I've just pasted in spreadheet B and retrieve no values! A friend of mine once teached me to use a formula to format the cells in spreadheet B. This is: "=D4&"" (D4 is just an example of a cell - I do this to every cells). I insert new columns and paste this formula in there and then I copy and paste the values to the cells where they should be. Once I do this the vlookup formula starts to work and retrieve the values that I want but I loose the format of the cells - I have columns which I need to be formated as currency with only 2 decimal places (I get 10!), others that are percentile, and so on. Is there an easy way to paste the data in spreadsheet B and immediately the formulas in spreadheet A reterieve the values I want and with the format I want? Thanks in advance.