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Rounding error in Stdev function result.

  1. #1
    David K

    Rounding error in Stdev function result.

    the function
    (at least on my computer using Excel 2002, sp3)

    Is this just rounding error due to IEEE double precision. It seems pretty


  2. #2
    JE McGimpsey

    Re: Rounding error in Stdev function result.

    It is pretty large, but it's not simply due to rounding...


    =STDEV(1.4434,1.4434,1.4434) ===> 2.71947991102104E-16

    (I don't have XL03 available right now, but I suspect that the result
    would be the same).

    The improvement was undoubtedly part of the overhaul of stats functions
    for XL03/04:


    In article <[email protected]>,
    "David K" <David [email protected]> wrote:

    > the function
    > =STDEV(1.4434,1.4434,1.4434)
    > gives
    > 2.98023E-08
    > (at least on my computer using Excel 2002, sp3)
    > Is this just rounding error due to IEEE double precision. It seems pretty
    > large.

  3. #3

    RE: Rounding error in Stdev function result.

    "David K" wrote:
    > the function =STDEV(1.4434,1.4434,1.4434) gives
    > 2.98023E-08 (at least on my computer using Excel
    > 2002, sp3)
    > Is this just rounding error due to IEEE double precision.

    Yes. But the numerical error caused by the binary
    representation is exacerbated by the variance formula
    apparently used in Excel 2002 (sp3), which seems to
    be different from Excel 2003.

    Mathematically, the sample variance can be computed
    using either the following equivalent formulas:

    1. var = SUM((x - mean)^2, for all x) / (n - 1)

    2. var = (SUM(x^2, for all x) - SUM(x, for all x)^2 / n) / (n - 1)

    In both cases, std dev = SQRT(var).

    When we compute var manually using #2, where
    x1 = x2 = x3 = 1.4434 (n = 3), we get:

    var = 8.88178419700125E-16
    sd = 2.98023223876953E-08

    That matches your results. But when we use #1,
    we get:

    var = 7.39557098644699E-32
    sd = 2.71947991102104E-16

    That matches the STDEV(1.4434,1.4434,1.4434)
    result using Excel 2003.

    Note that in both cases, VAR() and STDEV() are not
    zero, as you might have expected, even though
    AVERAGE(1.4434,1.4434,1.4434) displays 1.44340000000000E+00.
    I believe the displayed result of AVERAGE() belies the
    fact that there are non-zero bits in the remaining 2-3
    binary bits that Excel must round in order to display a
    decimal result. I believe that is evidenced by the fact
    that (1.4434 - AVERAGE(...))^2 yields 7.39557098644699E-32.

    (But I am mystified by the fact that this numerical error
    is not evident when I program #1 in VBA, which does
    display var = 0 -- a pleasant surprise. Without access
    to the VBA binary representations, VBA compiled code
    and internal Excel algorithms, I can only speculate wildly
    about the disparity.)

  4. #4

    RE: Rounding error in Stdev function result.

    I wrote:
    > I am mystified by the fact that this numerical error
    > is not evident when I program #1 in VBA, which does
    > display var = 0 -- a pleasant surprise. Without access
    > to the VBA binary representations, VBA compiled code
    > and internal Excel algorithms, I can only speculate wildly
    > about the disparity.

    My suspicion was confirmed by a response by Martin
    Brown to my inquiry in excel.programming and by some
    more experimentation on my part. Apparently, even the
    retooled Excel 2003 STDEV() implementation does not
    take full advantage of the floating point coprocessor, as
    the VBA compiler seems to. I'm surprised.

  5. #5
    Harlan Grove

    Re: Rounding error in Stdev function result.

    [email protected] wrote...
    >I wrote:
    >>I am mystified by the fact that this numerical error
    >>is not evident when I program #1 in VBA, which does
    >>display var = 0 -- a pleasant surprise. Without access
    >>to the VBA binary representations, VBA compiled code
    >>and internal Excel algorithms, I can only speculate wildly
    >>about the disparity.

    >My suspicion was confirmed by a response by Martin
    >Brown to my inquiry in excel.programming and by some
    >more experimentation on my part. Apparently, even the
    >retooled Excel 2003 STDEV() implementation does not
    >take full advantage of the floating point coprocessor, as
    >the VBA compiler seems to. I'm surprised.

    It's not the STDEV function, per se, it's the mean. The mean of x, x
    and x isn't exactly x. That is,


    isn't zero. This even defeats DEVSQ, which is usually pretty good, but


    returns 1.47911E-31 rather than zero. More to the point, while the


    returns zero, the formula


    returns 2.22045E-16.

    Ain't Excel fun!

    As with all floating point calculations, use explicit rounding for
    final results. In this case,


    where the 5 is the maximum significant digits in STDEV's arguments.

  6. #6

    Re: Rounding error in Stdev function result.

    "Harlan Grove" wrote:
    > It's not the STDEV function, per se, it's the mean.

    I understand. But the implementation of STDEV() could
    easily compute the mean internally, taking advantage of
    the 80-bit FP registers. It does not. Nor does AVERAGE(),
    as you point out. But the OP asked about STDEV(), not
    AVERAGE(). I tailored my comments to the OP's context.

  7. #7
    Harlan Grove

    Re: Rounding error in Stdev function result.

    [email protected] wrote...
    >I understand. But the implementation of STDEV() could
    >easily compute the mean internally, taking advantage of
    >the 80-bit FP registers. It does not. Nor does AVERAGE(),
    >as you point out. But the OP asked about STDEV(), not
    >AVERAGE(). I tailored my comments to the OP's context.

    80 bits wouldn't necessarily help in this case. If the mean is
    calculated by summing all the values first then dividing by the count,
    the sum itself could cause problems that dividing by the count wouldn't
    necessarily solve. In an ideal world, cleverness would also be applied
    to calculating the mean.

    k = 0
    n = 0
    For Each v In d
    n = n + 1
    If n = 1 Then m = v Else m = m * (k / n) + v / n
    k = n
    Next v

    Enter 1.4434 in A1:A3. Enter 1 in B1, 0 in C1 and =A1 in D1. Enter
    =B1+1 in B2, =B1 in C2, =D1*(C2/B2)+A2/B2 in D2. Select B2:D2 and fill
    down into B3:D3. Cell D3 contains the mean. Enter =AVERAGE(A1:A3) in
    D4, and =(D3-D4) in D5. D5 evaluates to -2.22045E-16.

    Enter =SUMSQ(A1-D4,A2-D4,A3-D4) in D6. It evaluates to 1.47911E-31. Now
    enter =SUMSQ(A1-D3,A2-D3,A3-D3) in D7. It evaluates to 0.

    Imagine that! Rounding error elimiated without using 80-bit FPU

    Further, even calculating the mean as =(1.4434/3+1.4434/3+1.4434/3)
    would eliminate the rounding error. Try

    The error is due *EXCLUSIVELY* to rounding error in the calculation of
    the mean; however, it's possible to eliminate the rounding error
    without using more bits of precision. For completeness, it's necessary
    to understand that the order of operations is *ESSENTIAL* in floating
    point arithmetic. While floating point addition and multiplication are
    commutative, neither is associative, and the distributive law doesn't
    hold (that is, all the time; there are fortuitous exceptions). In
    floating point arithmetic it's usually best to perform multiplication
    first, then addition if accuracy is more important than execution speed.

  8. #8
    Dana DeLouis

    Re: Rounding error in Stdev function result.

    > ... But the implementation of STDEV() could
    > easily compute the mean internally, taking advantage of
    > the 80-bit FP registers. It does not.

    I think Harlan is correct. For an alternative opinion, Math programs that
    DO take advantage of the FP processor show that the average of:
    (1.4434 + 1.4434 + 1.4434)/3

    We just can not see the last two digits with Excel.
    It shows that an Excel 2003 Worksheet is doing it correctly. Vba rounded
    differently. An argument could be made either way if this is good or bad.

    StandardDeviation[{1.4434, 1.4434, 1.4434}]

    Which is the same as Excel 2003.
    It appears to me that an Excel 2003 worksheet is doing it correctly at the
    math coprocessor level.
    Dana DeLouis
    Win XP & Office 2003

    "[email protected]" <[email protected]> wrote
    in message news:[email protected]...
    > "Harlan Grove" wrote:
    >> It's not the STDEV function, per se, it's the mean.

    > I understand. But the implementation of STDEV() could
    > easily compute the mean internally, taking advantage of
    > the 80-bit FP registers. It does not. Nor does AVERAGE(),
    > as you point out. But the OP asked about STDEV(), not
    > AVERAGE(). I tailored my comments to the OP's context.

  9. #9

    Re: Rounding error in Stdev function result.

    "Harlan Grove" wrote:
    > 80 bits wouldn't necessarily help in this case.

    I agree that 80 bits of precision instead of 52 bits does not
    always lead to "exact" results. I did not intend to imply that.

    But the fact is: it does in this case (viz., average of
    1.4434 three times). Or at least, that was the explanation
    give, and I accepted ti. See my posting in excel.programming
    for details. This discussion should really be part of that
    thread, not this one. See "Why do VBA and Excel floating
    point results differ?".

    > The error is due *EXCLUSIVELY* to rounding error in
    > the calculation of the mean

    Yes. And having (54%) more bits of precision will always
    diminish those effects -- at least until the (intermediate)
    result is stored into lower-precision variables.

    > For completeness, it's necessary to understand that the
    > order of operations is *ESSENTIAL* in floating point
    > arithmetic.

    Which is why I initially said, in this thread, that anything I
    would say about the explanation would be wild speculation
    without my knowing the internal implementations of Excel
    and VBA. I should have left well enough alone -- in this

    If you have that kind of insight, I would appreciate it if you
    would contribute to the thread in excel.programming.

  10. #10
    Jerry W. Lewis

    Re: Rounding error in Stdev function result.

    XL2003 also returns 2.71947991102104E-16, but per
    XL2003 was the first version that changed the STDEV calculation to


    Prior to XL2003, STDEV was calculated as


    which returns the value that the OP reported.

    These two formulas are mathematically but not numerically equivalent.

    A third approach would use a one-pass updating algorithm


    which would correctly return zero for this standard deviation, even though
    1.4434 cannot be exactly represented in binary.


    "JE McGimpsey" wrote:

    > It is pretty large, but it's not simply due to rounding...
    > XL04:
    > =STDEV(1.4434,1.4434,1.4434) ===> 2.71947991102104E-16
    > (I don't have XL03 available right now, but I suspect that the result
    > would be the same).
    > The improvement was undoubtedly part of the overhaul of stats functions
    > for XL03/04:
    > http://support.microsoft.com/kb/828888/en-us
    > In article <[email protected]>,
    > "David K" <David [email protected]> wrote:
    > > the function
    > > =STDEV(1.4434,1.4434,1.4434)
    > > gives
    > > 2.98023E-08
    > > (at least on my computer using Excel 2002, sp3)
    > >
    > > Is this just rounding error due to IEEE double precision. It seems pretty
    > > large.


  11. #11

    Re: Rounding error in Stdev function result.

    I wrote:
    > having (54%) more bits of precision will always
    > diminish those effects -- at least until the (intermediate)
    > result is stored into lower-precision variables.

    Well, that's not correct. First, the mantissa is only 23%
    more bits of precision (64 bits). Second, I forget that the
    original 52-bit mantissa is effectively simply zero-extended.
    So the 80-bit FP result is not necessarily better than the
    64-bit result. But I don't believe it will ever be worse.

  12. #12
    Jerry W. Lewis

    Re: Rounding error in Stdev function result.

    80-bit reals have 64-bit mantissas vs. effectively 53-bit mantissas in 64-bit
    reals, so there would be some improvement, but not as much as from using a
    better algorithm. VBA offers very limited control over register arithmetic.
    The following code will use register arithmetic within the Abs()

    Function SD(x As Double) As Double
    SD = Sqr(Abs((x * x + x * x + x * x - (x + x + x) * (x + x + x) / 3) / 2))
    End Function

    but SD(1.4434) returns 4.65661287307739E-10; better than XL2002's
    2.98023223876953E-08, but nowhere near as good as XL2003's
    2.71947991102104E-16 or the exact 0 that an updating algorithm would give



    "[email protected]" wrote:

    > I wrote:
    > > having (54%) more bits of precision will always
    > > diminish those effects -- at least until the (intermediate)
    > > result is stored into lower-precision variables.

    > Well, that's not correct. First, the mantissa is only 23%
    > more bits of precision (64 bits). Second, I forget that the
    > original 52-bit mantissa is effectively simply zero-extended.
    > So the 80-bit FP result is not necessarily better than the
    > 64-bit result. But I don't believe it will ever be worse.

  13. #13
    Jerry W. Lewis

    Re: Rounding error in Stdev function result.

    1.4433999999999998 is the result of calculating the average using 64-bit
    reals. You can display additional figures as
    =D2D(AVERAGE(1.4434,1.4434,1.4434)) using my D2D function from

    64-bit reals can exactly represent all 15 digit integers, but require 17
    digits to uniquely characterize a floating point number.

    80-bit reals can exactly represent all 19 digit integers

    The 80-byte representation of 1.4434 and of the average of three of them are
    both equal to 1.44339999999999999997E0 (21 digits required to distinguish
    from 1.4434), so the XL2003 algorithm would return 0 if it used 80-byte

    In this case, you could even use intermediate rounding to 64-bit reals and
    still get 0 with a partial use of register precision, as the following VBA
    code shows

    Function DSq(Optional x As Double = 1.4434) As Double
    Dim ave As Double
    ' each line is calculated in 80-bit register, then stored in 64-bit variable
    ave = (x + x + x) / 3
    DSq = (x - ave) * (x - ave) + (x - ave) * (x - ave) + (x - ave) * (x -
    End Function


    "Dana DeLouis" wrote:

    > > ... But the implementation of STDEV() could
    > > easily compute the mean internally, taking advantage of
    > > the 80-bit FP registers. It does not.

    > I think Harlan is correct. For an alternative opinion, Math programs that
    > DO take advantage of the FP processor show that the average of:
    > (1.4434 + 1.4434 + 1.4434)/3
    > is:
    > 1.4433999999999998
    > We just can not see the last two digits with Excel.
    > It shows that an Excel 2003 Worksheet is doing it correctly. Vba rounded
    > differently. An argument could be made either way if this is good or bad.
    > StandardDeviation[{1.4434, 1.4434, 1.4434}]
    > Returns:
    > 2.7194799110210365*^-16
    > Which is the same as Excel 2003.
    > It appears to me that an Excel 2003 worksheet is doing it correctly at the
    > math coprocessor level.
    > --
    > Dana DeLouis
    > Win XP & Office 2003
    > "[email protected]" <[email protected]> wrote
    > in message news:[email protected]...
    > > "Harlan Grove" wrote:
    > >> It's not the STDEV function, per se, it's the mean.

    > >
    > > I understand. But the implementation of STDEV() could
    > > easily compute the mean internally, taking advantage of
    > > the 80-bit FP registers. It does not. Nor does AVERAGE(),
    > > as you point out. But the OP asked about STDEV(), not
    > > AVERAGE(). I tailored my comments to the OP's context.
    > >


  14. #14
    Dana DeLouis

    Re: Rounding error in Stdev function result.

    Hi. Thanks Jerry. As a side note to the op, if you just need the STDEV of
    3 cells, it "appears" that an equation will returns zero (0) more often if
    all 3 cells are equal.
    Perhaps use this:
    instead of this:

    Dana DeLouis
    Win XP & Office 2003

    "Jerry W. Lewis" <post_a_reply@no_e-mail.com> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > 1.4433999999999998 is the result of calculating the average using 64-bit
    > reals. You can display additional figures as
    > =D2D(AVERAGE(1.4434,1.4434,1.4434)) using my D2D function from
    > http://groups.google.com/group/micro...06871cf92f8465
    > 64-bit reals can exactly represent all 15 digit integers, but require 17
    > digits to uniquely characterize a floating point number.
    > 80-bit reals can exactly represent all 19 digit integers
    > The 80-byte representation of 1.4434 and of the average of three of them
    > are
    > both equal to 1.44339999999999999997E0 (21 digits required to distinguish
    > from 1.4434), so the XL2003 algorithm would return 0 if it used 80-byte
    > calculations.
    > In this case, you could even use intermediate rounding to 64-bit reals and
    > still get 0 with a partial use of register precision, as the following VBA
    > code shows
    > Function DSq(Optional x As Double = 1.4434) As Double
    > Dim ave As Double
    > ' each line is calculated in 80-bit register, then stored in 64-bit
    > variable
    > ave = (x + x + x) / 3
    > DSq = (x - ave) * (x - ave) + (x - ave) * (x - ave) + (x - ave) * (x -
    > ave)
    > End Function
    > Jerry
    > "Dana DeLouis" wrote:
    >> > ... But the implementation of STDEV() could
    >> > easily compute the mean internally, taking advantage of
    >> > the 80-bit FP registers. It does not.

    >> I think Harlan is correct. For an alternative opinion, Math programs
    >> that
    >> DO take advantage of the FP processor show that the average of:
    >> (1.4434 + 1.4434 + 1.4434)/3
    >> is:
    >> 1.4433999999999998
    >> We just can not see the last two digits with Excel.
    >> It shows that an Excel 2003 Worksheet is doing it correctly. Vba rounded
    >> differently. An argument could be made either way if this is good or
    >> bad.
    >> StandardDeviation[{1.4434, 1.4434, 1.4434}]
    >> Returns:
    >> 2.7194799110210365*^-16
    >> Which is the same as Excel 2003.
    >> It appears to me that an Excel 2003 worksheet is doing it correctly at
    >> the
    >> math coprocessor level.
    >> --
    >> Dana DeLouis
    >> Win XP & Office 2003
    >> "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
    >> wrote
    >> in message news:[email protected]...
    >> > "Harlan Grove" wrote:
    >> >> It's not the STDEV function, per se, it's the mean.
    >> >
    >> > I understand. But the implementation of STDEV() could
    >> > easily compute the mean internally, taking advantage of
    >> > the 80-bit FP registers. It does not. Nor does AVERAGE(),
    >> > as you point out. But the OP asked about STDEV(), not
    >> > AVERAGE(). I tailored my comments to the OP's context.
    >> >


  15. #15
    Harlan Grove

    Re: Rounding error in Stdev function result.

    [email protected] wrote...
    >If you have that kind of insight, I would appreciate it if you
    >would contribute to the thread in excel.programming.

    Too lazy to crosspost this myself. Nothing prevents you from putting a
    link to this thread in a follow-up in the other ng.

  16. #16
    Jerry W. Lewis

    Re: Rounding error in Stdev function result.

    Your alternat formula does seem to be a little better numerically than
    pre-2003 STDEV; but it is still squaring terms before subtracting, so it will
    be nowhere near as numerically stable as =SQRT(DEVSQ(A1:C1)/2), which is used
    by xl2003.


    "Dana DeLouis" wrote:

    > Hi. Thanks Jerry. As a side note to the op, if you just need the STDEV of
    > 3 cells, it "appears" that an equation will returns zero (0) more often if
    > all 3 cells are equal.
    > Perhaps use this:
    > =SQRT((A1^2+B1^2-B1*C1+C1^2-A1*(B1+C1))/3)
    > instead of this:
    > =STDEV(A1:C1)
    > --
    > Dana DeLouis
    > Win XP & Office 2003
    > "Jerry W. Lewis" <post_a_reply@no_e-mail.com> wrote in message
    > news:[email protected]...
    > > 1.4433999999999998 is the result of calculating the average using 64-bit
    > > reals. You can display additional figures as
    > > =D2D(AVERAGE(1.4434,1.4434,1.4434)) using my D2D function from
    > > http://groups.google.com/group/micro...06871cf92f8465
    > >
    > > 64-bit reals can exactly represent all 15 digit integers, but require 17
    > > digits to uniquely characterize a floating point number.
    > >
    > > 80-bit reals can exactly represent all 19 digit integers
    > >
    > > The 80-byte representation of 1.4434 and of the average of three of them
    > > are
    > > both equal to 1.44339999999999999997E0 (21 digits required to distinguish
    > > from 1.4434), so the XL2003 algorithm would return 0 if it used 80-byte
    > > calculations.
    > >
    > > In this case, you could even use intermediate rounding to 64-bit reals and
    > > still get 0 with a partial use of register precision, as the following VBA
    > > code shows
    > >
    > > Function DSq(Optional x As Double = 1.4434) As Double
    > > Dim ave As Double
    > > ' each line is calculated in 80-bit register, then stored in 64-bit
    > > variable
    > > ave = (x + x + x) / 3
    > > DSq = (x - ave) * (x - ave) + (x - ave) * (x - ave) + (x - ave) * (x -
    > > ave)
    > > End Function
    > >
    > > Jerry
    > >
    > > "Dana DeLouis" wrote:
    > >
    > >> > ... But the implementation of STDEV() could
    > >> > easily compute the mean internally, taking advantage of
    > >> > the 80-bit FP registers. It does not.
    > >>
    > >> I think Harlan is correct. For an alternative opinion, Math programs
    > >> that
    > >> DO take advantage of the FP processor show that the average of:
    > >> (1.4434 + 1.4434 + 1.4434)/3
    > >> is:
    > >> 1.4433999999999998
    > >>
    > >> We just can not see the last two digits with Excel.
    > >> It shows that an Excel 2003 Worksheet is doing it correctly. Vba rounded
    > >> differently. An argument could be made either way if this is good or
    > >> bad.
    > >>
    > >> StandardDeviation[{1.4434, 1.4434, 1.4434}]
    > >> Returns:
    > >> 2.7194799110210365*^-16
    > >>
    > >> Which is the same as Excel 2003.
    > >> It appears to me that an Excel 2003 worksheet is doing it correctly at
    > >> the
    > >> math coprocessor level.
    > >> --
    > >> Dana DeLouis
    > >> Win XP & Office 2003
    > >>
    > >> "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
    > >> wrote
    > >> in message news:[email protected]...
    > >> > "Harlan Grove" wrote:
    > >> >> It's not the STDEV function, per se, it's the mean.
    > >> >
    > >> > I understand. But the implementation of STDEV() could
    > >> > easily compute the mean internally, taking advantage of
    > >> > the 80-bit FP registers. It does not. Nor does AVERAGE(),
    > >> > as you point out. But the OP asked about STDEV(), not
    > >> > AVERAGE(). I tailored my comments to the OP's context.
    > >> >
    > >>
    > >>
    > >>


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